Friday, October 12, 2018

Why i go for President of United States?
I robynostra,the answer is simplicity.

To make simple our history. To explain simple us to the others. How to make simple our history? We already have civil war, cold war, cyber war, then we stuck to continue?

How about if i say we need a new variable for all this
We have Mr.Barrack Obama for our new Kind. Where the hell the energy comes from?
Everybody want Obama in white house, becuse what?
The Afro American in The White House for The First time. King Saudi like that, all the Arabian, Jews, Indonesian, the most muslims number as a country in this world.
Its enough support for Obama in The white house. Obama win. Everobody win. Is it?
The Russian and China must accept Obama because He represent the simplicity. Simplicity win.
Now we must continue the simplecity win. From people to the citizen style. From Obama to mr. Donald trump.
What ecxatly the people of Obama repesent? And the same by Mr.President right now for the citizen style?
All is about to recognize our selves back. Who are we?
For Obama people as The Afro American i just say to represent to feed people. In our ecosystem, our forest with the people live with. Turk, Turkmenistan, Syrian people, is in the program to feed The people. Then Mr.Donald Trump with Citizen, by The Russian and Chinese. By the FB and Google. To make society by citizen but remain the building. We have UN building for feed The People. We remain the bulding for citizen. My first program as a President of United States.
In my first speech I will talk about people Of  California too. How I talk about United States but not people of California. I said people, not yet citizen. Because everybody can enjoy that city. The people and the citizen.  We have California to pacth all kind of people in success story. Robynostra not just fight for freedom, send the army to guard feed the people program. But also pacth and join with the success story of people. Like california city.
Hollywood style. Friendly. Like all superstar we have in our movies by Hollywood. We speech in every where with leaders countries the california represent the simplicity of the success story by people. Work hard, reach your dream, pray for God, you will have your dream in this world.
In my speech the first I do to the public. I do my second Job as a President of United States. To recognize you the Superstar style we have. Your President with Superstar Style. That's Robynostra.
I present you The Rock, then Morgan Freeman, Brad Pitt, Oprah and Keanu Reves and Ellen Degeneres. Everybody love them. A success story. Who fight for them? Martin Luther King with The Speech, Mahatma Gandhi in Hindustan. All our men in all countries fight to feed the people with all resources. They do what we wish from them. While we struggle with all our partners in all around the world. They do the success story. Superstar style. That's California. We thanks for them. For the people, with the dream. How about they represent the next in our program to achieve?
They do so impact in my life. They are not just movies to me,but real world.
The people of California already have a complete system. The people in another area in poverness. We send them by movies, but we remain us for the citizen. I said to you that we live in so many world. This is my first speech, you judge me by my speech. But I have to say we must work harder!
I want to prove u something? For our archeologist from the most university we have in entire this world. Our  Professors work for that for years. Where the result of our archeologist site in our area in this world? Once again movies, and once again I said more than movies.
I robynostra with my men in White House if you choose us for you President Of United States will do more with partnership to the University in all States we have. We just make sure about the people to care. With all our guns. Guns to guard feed people. More than Jurassic Park we have by our archeologist site. We don't go back but move forward. I explain like the father give to the sons. Like our grand grandpa give it to us. Like the Ecosystem give the water flow from the hill. Clear water with sun shine. Then we move up.
Thanks to Mr. Donald Trump to teach us about to build Hotel and bar inside. He teach us about Gov. and do business. Represent the citizen style. Mini bar to represent citizen life style. We go to Bar for a beer. Our UN do the feed people in all around the world. What's happen to our citizen life style? We blame Donald Trump for that?  Don't. We just take the right men for that. We just need the building after the United Nations. Building for our FB, Google,Bitcoin ect. Building for our Citizenship. As I said we must work hard. And harder!
 Let's the people do by UN. Let's face The Lamborghini in our city. Ferrari, Bugatti and what next?  They need the space for their market isnt? They need city for so huge Hi-Tech. We just give it to the people? The people can not handle it. The citizen style do that?
I as a Candidate President Of United States recognize you the new Main Land Market for all our Hi-tech car. The main land after Middle East and the African. The Polynesia Main Land. Your citizenship style begin with. After feed the people Main Land.
By this Speech I announce you for my men as My Prime Minister for Polynesia Main Land, Ellen Degenereges
Asmat relief, Pasific Ocean, Equator Zone is your next space, your Economic System, your money. I guarantee your market more than $4000 trillion USD/ day.  I imagine a roll coaster resort race track in pasific is ones of your Project Construction.
The Next city I tell you in my speech. Its the city of New York. Every body proud of you because you throw out for the 11/9. From Twin tower to tower of Freedom. By tower of Freedom you bring back the people to win back by the sacrife.  Everybody sacrife at the moment. That's the best for all of us to get out and move up our 'we' for the Future. The people and the citizen. To feed and for the sky space.
I love Twin tower and you pacth it right now by Freedom Tower.  That's I talk about Architecture, new material building, and everybody will talk about T Profile Structure Concept Design. My design for you!
My background as an Engineer for the people of United States and the citizenship.
We continue Tower Of Freedom.
I see the market of construction in western area. Why not you? I see partnership by our fellow Latin of America. And the other Area. I see Sydney Orchestra building continue up. I see Eiffel Tower  pacthed by Google Style Tool Installation.  Your citizenship style.
New York is my City in US. The citizen style after our UN of course.

By my PM we go for New Main Land Polynesia. So simple we just build Role Coaster Races Track in that Area. We will to the engineer about that. Our new main land Created.
By Bill Gates as The Internal Affair Ministry. We do home affair and all kind in our countries.
And ofcourse we do so respect if The Eslon Musk join with us in my office. All these men are the qualified men for United States for the UN and all others.
Everybody want my T Structure Concept Design. I ll share it with these men to you. By White House.
As an Engineer background. I have my sister with the engineer background too. And i believe my sister world is similar with my world. That's ones of my faith. To build life to build family. Family is the faith. Unify after we succeed in people go for the next, foundation of citizenship style.
Once time I was with my sister and ask for her dream she answer me for the dream. To build ship and fly with the robotic system. Of course in batak language. Who is robynostra? A batakness by Super Volcano Eruption circumstance. Just one remain the Yellowstone in this world.
I like Muslim with the Faith. Quran in their hands. Buddhist by Bodhisattva Buddha Gautama. Hindustan with Hastinapure by Krisnha in circle faith.  And I as a Christian to lead all burden by all faith religions we have right now. How I see about the faith? I see the family in you. Abraham style.
I as The President Of United States to become standing on you. To make you believe back to your self one by one. I ll give all you need to work with me. For the faith, by the faith. You no remain a little bit by faith by family style like our ancestor has prove it. We have so many resources and pleasure in United States. For us to do our duty for the people and the future by citizenship continue. How I guarantee you all the pleasure? All our Religion Architecture and traditions. All their habits as their represent their faith. Temple, mosque, church and all other kind religion place. We send them back to their habits in the most before we continue the projection of the future by citizen.
You want this earth, just do your verses to me ,by your holy scriptures. You want the future, work with me.
I some kind interest with the Jews Growth by the faith. Firstly, The Jews with all traditions religions.  Mr. Barrack Obama represent the existence of The Jews by visiting The Holy Place of the Judaism. I use Judaism just to simplicity for their improvment to take part in us.  W all respect since the first coming the Jew to Europe and then back to 'Jehuda' land. I just guarantee that that people of Jew can back to their most habit with the religion like the others. Meanwhile we always have the men like Nassim Haramein with us in citizenship style. To continue the future with all our best.  The scientist from Hindustan for research. And Russian and chinese as always with us in Polynesia Main Land. A little bit Lobour system with the iranian people.

Its just introduce for so many hard work for robynostra as President of United States.

I ll continue with the poverness.

Hip Hop for u

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